The 7th Annual Language, Linguistics, and Life Virtual Conference
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Foreign/Second Language Education
Date: Friday, April 23rd, 2021
This year, we use Whova as the platform to hold the conference. Once you click the "Program and Free Registration Now Available" button, you will be directed to our Whova website. To fully enjoy the interactiveness, network with other attendees, and view abstracts, please click "Registration" to generate a free ticket to access the conference. If you happen to be asked to enter a code, please use "welcomelllc". Please also do not hesitate to contact us ( if we could better assist you. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Keynote Speakers
GSOLT Welcomes the Following Speakers

11:00 am
​Assessment in a virtual world: Ethics and Strategies
Abstract: The interruption of most in-person learning caused by COVID-19 has created both challenges and opportunities for world language programs.. Although many robust, distance opportunities for language learning already existed, the quick transition to online learning has resulted in new approaches to the curriculum. In addition, the change to online learning resulted in new ways for instructors to develop, implement and improve assessment. Such innovation is replete with issues of ethics, professional development and of the shifting definitions of world language and what it means to be proficient.
Assessment provides an opportunity for instructors and students alike to reflect on their successes. However, sometimes the focus for assessment leans too heavily toward summative outcomes and less toward a way to communicate with learners. In this talk, I will first discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of virtual assessment. Next, I will review some of the ethical issues inherent in assessment outside of what has been traditional in-person present assessment, including both availability and usability of different approaches to assessment. Next, I will discuss the implications for pre-service, in service and ongoing professional development for language instructors as such assessments are developed and implemented in real time. Finally, I will discuss assessment and world language proficiency as a way to establish, build and improve relationships both between instructors and learners and among learners to expand our definition of proficiency to authentic situations.
Bio: Dr. Margaret E. Malone (Ph.D., Georgetown University) is Director of the Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center (AELRC) and Research Professor at Georgetown. She is also Director of the Center for Assessment, Research and Development at ACTFL. She has nearly three decades of experience in language test development, materials development, delivery of professional development and teacher training through both online and face-to-face methods, data collection and survey research, and program evaluation.
1:45 pm
What is the role of grammar instruction in second language learning? A sociocognitive account.
Abstract: Many second language (L2) teachers are rightly dissatisfied with the traditional, non-communicative grammar exercises found in many textbooks. In addition, many who attempt to conduct classroom interactions as much as possible in the L2 also encounter resistance among students and colleagues. To support teachers in these situations, some professional development organizations have promoted “Comprehensible Input” (CI) classrooms where grammar instruction and the use of English are abandoned in favor of a full immersion experience. These proposals are often grounded in educational theories based on research from the 1970s-1990s that demonstrated a disconnect between grammar teaching and L2 development. Although current research continues to affirm meaningful target language experiences as essential to building L2 proficiency, it also supports a more nuanced approach to grammar instruction and classroom uses of English than the CI movement currently advocates.
This talk aims to inform participants on the conclusions of current research regarding the relationship between comprehensible input, explicit grammatical knowledge, and L2 development. It will outline a holistic, socio-cognitive perspective on learners and the nature of language learning that provides an alternative to the computational “input à processing à output” model underlying the primarily cognitively-oriented theories of the 1970s-1990s, and that currently still inform much pedagogical thinking. Given that both our lesson plans and our in-the-moment decision making are shaped by how we understand our professional practices, this talk aims to expand teachers’ conceptual toolkit to accommodate the most recent conclusions and perspectives from L2 research.
Bio: Paul D. Toth is an associate professor of Spanish applied linguistics at Temple University, in Philadelphia, USA. There, he conducts research on second language classrooms and teaches and mentors doctoral students and Spanish language teachers. Over the past 25 years, he has held a variety of positions related to second language teaching and learning, including: high school and university-level Spanish teacher, language curriculum coordinator, student teacher supervisor, graduate student mentor, and pre-service teacher educator. He has published 23 research articles and book chapters on instructed second language learning, and has twice been awarded the Paul Pimsleur Award for research excellence from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Call for Proposals
Our CFP has been closed
Conference Date: Friday, April 23rd, 2021
2021 Theme: Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in Foreign/Second Language Education
The Graduate Students of Language at Temple (GSOLT) invite you to submit a proposal for our 7th annual Language, Linguistics, and Life Conference. This student-run conference is a forum for graduate and undergraduate students to present their research in a supportive environment conducive to professional and scholarly development. We seek proposals for 20-minute oral paper presentations from graduate students and posters from undergraduate students. This year, we also invite proposals for 50-minute interactive workshops. We welcome presentations in any language.
This year’s theme explores language use across social and technological contexts. As an interdisciplinary organization, we will consider any language-related topics, which may include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Analysis of Discourse and Interaction (DIS)
Multilingualism, Immersion, Heritage, and Minority Education (MIH)
Language Cognition and Brain Research (COG)
Language Planning and Policy (LPP)
Language and Ideology (LAI)
Reading, Writing, and Literacy (RWL)
Language Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (TLA)
Sociolinguistics (SOC)
Teacher Education, Beliefs, and Identities (TED)
Linguistics (Semantics, Syntax, Phonetics, Phonology, Pragmatics, etc. ) (LIG) ​
Language Teaching and Technology in the Time of COVID (LTTC)
Please submit a 250 to 300-word abstract by Sunday, January 31st, 2021. Abstracts should be written in English and include a connection to the conference theme. On your form, please be sure to specify the strand(s) your proposal best fits.
For conference related inquiries, contact the GSOLT Conference Committee at, or through the message function at the bottom of this page.
Call for Reviewers
Our CFR has been closed
Conference Date: Friday, April 23rd, 2021
We are accepting proposal reviewers for the conference. The reviewers mush have had conference proposal review experience before. The deadline to apply is also extended to Sunday, January 31st, 2021. Authors can serve as reviewers as well. We appreciate your expertise and service!
Travel & Venue Information
We are so happy you are planning to attend the 2021 GSOLT conference at Temple! Although this will be a virtual conference, we would like to invite you to visit our campus in the future. Here are some tips that Google might not give you about the best way to get to Temple, places to go to, and what to eat:
Traveling by public transit from the suburbs and points beyond
Traveling by train and bus from other regional cities
What to eat on campus and in the city
What to do in Philly (besides the GSOLT conference)
This conference is organized by GSOLT and sponsored by Student Activities at Temple University, Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER Temple), Dr. Augusto Lorenzino, the Shimada Fund from Temple TESOL Program, and Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Temple University. We sincerely appreciate their support.
We are also grateful for support from other sources. If you would like to make a donation, please email us via, or use the contact information below:

Graduate Students
of Language at Temple
©2020 by Graduate Students of Language at Temple